Testimonial: Dogs Aid Animal Sanctuary

dogsAidLogoJohn has been a friend to the world of animal rescue for many years and certainly is a good friend to Dogs Aid. Some of the dogs we get in at the sanctuary need extra work to make them suitable for a new home and often that involves group obedience classes. The importance of John’s group classes for rescue dogs cannot be underestimated, it gives them mental stimulation, often their first taste of formal lessons and challanges them around dogs they haven’t met before.

John generously allows me bring a dog along to his classes as is needed. These dogs aren’t the easiest clients and John is never without help and advice for me. The ‘juvenile deliquents’ I bring to the classes have all been re-homed and are doing well, and John’s classes have been a major stepping stone on their journey.

Aine Mc Anally – Dogs Aid Animal Sanctuary